Bright, reckless, eccentric theatrical performances in different locations — we can do it, we practice it. 

Dive with the characters into an abyss of contradictory fantasies, mixed in in unexpected ways.
A real commotion from 0 to 100% in an instant. Various emotions, feelings and all shades of laughter.
That’s what recommended for breakfast, lunch and dinner for everyone who wants to live their life with a smile until an old age.
Vivid characters, lively voices, dynamic, energetic music.
Everything is as it happens in the wildest imagination.

“Easy and hilarious. That’s what we need in our everyday life!”

“Nothing is clear, but very interesting!”

  LIGHTS, SOUND, CAMERA, ACTION! Performance and filming at the same time, right before your eyes!  

When you come to a performance, you become a witness, an accomplice, a culprit and a protagonist at the same time.
Theatrical performances can take place in the most unexpected locations and have a completely different plot and style.
But they all surprise and set the audience in a positive mood.
What unusual things can happen in your space? 

Find out more about this ASAP!